Monday, July 22, 2013

Babes On Broadway

Anyone that knows me, understands how big a fan I am of the Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney films.  Some of these films include lavish blackface 11:00 o'clock numbers, that echoed popular Vaudeville acts from the early 1900's.  Acts that by today's standards are politically incorrect.  

Vaudeville had been an integral part of Garland/Rooney's childhood and training, as both actors were stars traveling the circuit for years before auditioning at MGM.  After signed and realizing their talents, MGM decided to capitalize on their skills and recreate famous Vaudeville acts from the past.  

This particular act is one of MGM's creations, but it accurately showcases the studio's reputation for putting on lavish numbers and including as many signed stars that the studio had to offer.   This scene is just one of many examples showcasing the depths of these two star's talents.  

The Bow Tie below is one that has survived from this number.  You can find it throughout the scene being worn by the black face male extras.  I am always amazed to find any article of clothing from these films, especially something as silly as a bow tie.  How a minute article of clothing can survive for 70 plus years and maintain in like new condition is beyond me.

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